At ReefCircular, we combine science and design
Kathryn Larsen
Arkitekt MAA
Kathryn is an Architect MAA and architectural technologist with over seven years of construction industry experience.
Her passion for water and historical marine construction materials made her question the supply chains in conventional construction and their impact on ecosystems, which lead to the founding of ReefCircular.
Dr. Shannon Hanson
Ph.D Marine Biogeochemistry
Shannon has over 13 years of experience in marine science in the lab and field where she specialised in the effects of global warming, ocean acidification and pollution on the marine environment.
After witnessing the devastating impact of humans on the marine environment, she knew she had to try and help, which led to the founding of ReefCircular.
Camila Martínez Alarcón
Computational Designer
Arkitekt MAA
Camila grew up in bustling Mexico City, where her passion for making a positive impact shaped her journey into architecture.
At ReefCircular, she leverages her technical skills and creative vision to drive innovation, designing solutions that are both aesthetically pleasing and environmentally responsible.
Past Computational designers: Dilara Özlü, William Qian